A new magazine for the days ahead
We grew up in the Clinton Bush Obama years, book-ended by Fukuyama’s The End of History and Hamilton. We believed that the grown-ups in charge knew what they were doing: global poverty was on the decline and interracial harmony was one more beer summit away. If we just bought hybrid cars, took on tons of college debt, and had protected, consensual sex, everything might be fine.
Turns out. No one knew what they were doing. And we don’t either.
We have witnessed the 2016 election results, the Dobbs decision, COVID stay home orders, an orange sky, California smoke in Chicago, October 7th and the war in Gaza, the 2024 election. These felt terrifying, unpredictable. We watch as homes get too expensive, jobs pay less and are more precarious. We feel our close communities do more for us than “the powers that be.”
We know, we can sense in our bones, on our phones, in our dreams that we’re on cusps of transformations, a renaissance, a death, a birth, turning toward the unrelenting future together.
History is far from over. It is revealing itself to us every day. We don’t have any clear answers, but we are eager, impatient to explore this turning together.
We do not believe in grand unified theories, though we love informed opinions. We do not believe in easy prescriptions about how to solve centuries’ old problems. We do believe people can and will change our behavior, our expectations, our world.
Let’s get curious about these changes. Our messy modern world is not easy, but it’s the only one we’ve got.
First issue coming Summer 2025.
Email dawn@dawn-magazine.com.